For better lives, and a better world.
Faltrego is an invitation to reimagine reality, shake up the status quo, and create a new normal that works for more people more of the time – driven by difference and led by women - that puts flexibility first.


Listen – we don’t like the way things are.
But that’s where real social change begins. We’re serious about reimagining the world, which means we’re serious about the way in which we go about it.
At Faltrego, we’re not a fan of the traditional ‘big agency’ model. This means that we put collaboration at the centre of every project, partnering with other experts, in cost effective collaborations that are made to measure.
(Oh... and we only work with partners and organisations that are aligned with our values!)
Care about causes
We are all activists. Social justice in every team member’s raison d’etre. We go the extra mile to meet your mission, because it’s our mission too.
Champion gender justice
We are united by our shared commitment to support and uplift women in production. We’re here to advocate for a fairer and more equitable society for women worldwide.
Mentor to greatness
We’ll show you the ropes. With help, resources and guidance we will equip you as changemakers and help to empower your communities.
Act efficiently
We pride ourselves on our responsiveness and immediacy in communication. Your deadline is our deadline, and we work to it as an oath.
Honour our promises
We believe in responsibility and reliability. We are fair and flexible and will never leave you in the lurch where we can help.
Communicate with kindness
We are your production partners. We will always communicate with you promptly and politely, as we would in a valued friendship.
What's in a name?
My dad David Faltrego (a portmanteau of our surname Friday and the word alter ego) was a surrealist artist who worked a 9 to 5 job to pay the bills
Growing up, he often cautioned: "You can't make a living out of art".
As I moved into the workplace, I found mentors pedalling similar narratives:
“This is just the way life is”.
I noticed that the phrases ‘you shouldn’t’, ‘you mustn’t’ and ‘you cannot’ punctuated the advice of people in leadership positions.
So when I made that decision to start a creative enterprise of my own, I thought there could be no better name than Faltrego.
I wanted to re-appropriate the word and, in spite of the limiting beliefs of those we often seek guidance from, make Faltrego stand for a different message:
"Yes you can” And, more importantly, “How can I help you?"

Trauma-informed co-creation
Accessibility, authenticity and lived experience of your communities at the heart
Our work centres on meaningfully embedding the lived experience and expertise of those existing at the sharpest edge of inequality into your campaigns and communications.
Our team takes a sensitive trauma-informed approach to co-creating with communities, and co-designing and co-producing any strategies, creative or content with those we’re seeking to authentically reflect and represent.





